The Airport Bridge Club will hold Swiss team games with free pizza at 11 a.m. on the next two Sundays, Jan. 6 and Jan. 13. Call 836-7016 for partners and to sign up.
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The schedule includes pairs games at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and Swiss teams at 10:30 a.m. Sunday.
Chairing the tournament are Betty Metz (773-7398 or and Tova Reinhorn (632-2056 or For other info, click this link:
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Unit-rated, club-hosted game: Monday morning, Jan. 28, Bridge Club Meridian.
Unit-rated, club-hosted game: Thursday evening, Feb. 7, Bridge Center of Buffalo.
Unit-rated, club-hosted game: Monday morning, Feb. 11, Bridge Club Meridian.
Pro-Am Unit Game and Taste of Buffalo: Sunday afternoon, Feb. 24, Bridge Center of Buffalo.
Wearin’ o’ the Green Unit Pairs Game: Monday evening, March 4, Zion Church .
Unit-rated, club-hosted game: Saturday noon, March 16, Bridge Center of Buffalo.
Unit-rated, club-hosted game: Friday morning, April 12, Bridge Center of Buffalo.
Annual meeting and game: Sunday, Dec. 8, Main-Transit Fire Hall.
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The 59th Niagara District Sectional Tournament will be held Friday, Feb. 1, to Sunday, Feb. 3, in the Quality Hotel: Parkway Convention Centre, 327 Ontario St . , St. Catharines , Ont.
The schedule includes pairs games at 1 and 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, knock-outs at 9 a.m. Saturday and Swiss teams at 10:30 a.m. Sunday.
Chairman is Wiebe Hoogland. Phone (905) 688-0734 or email Partnership chairwoman is Kit Nash. Phone (905) 688-0734 or email
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2013 Tournament calendar
Buffalo Spring Sectional – Friday, April 19, to Sunday, April 21.
District 5 Summer STaC – Monday, June 10, to Sunday, June 16.
Buffalo Summer Regional – Tuesday, June 25, to Sunday, June 30.
District 5 Winter STaC – Monday, Dec. 9, to Sunday, Dec. 15.
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Looking for local bridge clubs on the web?
Bridge Center of Buffalo :
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The Duplicate Bridge column is compiled weekly by News Staff Reporter Dale Anderson. The print version normally appears in the Life & Arts section in the Saturday edition of The Buffalo News. If it’s not in its usual place, try the Sports section. The online version contains unabridged scores and a longer list of notices. Deadline for submission of scores and notices is Tuesday night.
Email or Office phone is (716) 849-4420.
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A Silver Life Master since 2011, Dale Anderson is approaching 1,500 master points. He blogs about his progress toward Gold Life Master and other bridge adventures at
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Duplicate scores
Week of Dec. 24 to Dec. 30
ACBL Sanctioned Clubs
Week of Dec. 24 to Dec. 30
ACBL Sanctioned Clubs
Airport Bridge Club Tuesday morning – December Club Series: John Ziemer, 11.5 points; Wilson McClaren, 8.5 points.
Bridge Center of Buffalo Wednesday morning – Howell. A: Jay Levy and Christy Kellogg, 71.35%; Stan Kozlowski and Berta Brown, 57.81%; B/C: Nadine Stein and Harold Meyers, 52.31%.
Bridge Center of Buffalo Saturday noon – Howell. A: Judy Graf and Allen Beroza, 59.26%; B/C: Catherine Majewski and Pat Rasmus, 57.41%; Stan Kozlowski and Fred Yellen, 55.09%.
Bridge Club of East Aurora Wednesday morning – Jack Kern and Dave Larcom, 59.52%; Ken Meier and Joe Rooney, 57.14%; Bob Lederhouse and Joe Benenati, 55.36%; John Fiegl and Jane Larcom 49.4%.
Bridge Club Meridian Monday morning – A: Jay Levy and Judy Padgug, 66.96%; Bert Hargeshimer and Christy Kellogg, 66.07%; B: Ed Drozen and Gene Finton, 60.07; Bob Padgug and Dian Petrov, 56.79%; C: Fran Kurtz and Nadine Stein, 48.81%; Ted Kahn and Bob Lederhouse, 46.30%.
Other clubs
Canterbury Woods Duplicate Wednesday – North-south, Lil Ungerleider and Dee Schaeffer, 62.2%; Dick Munschauer and Jeanette Reid, 55.6%; east-west, Irwin Brock and Bernie Myer, 58.3%; Mary Blanchard and Liz Schulman, 57.2%.
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